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Ahmed Saeed's profile

Ahmed Saeed

UI/UX Designer


Hire Ahmed

Dynamic Landing page
Dynamic Landing page
Dynamic Landing page

From US$300

Certainly, here's a more polite and customer-centric version of the feedback: "Your extensive 4 years of experience in UX/UI design is impressive, and your commitment to elevating online presence and user experiences is commendable. Your service offerings appear comprehensive and designed to provide exceptional value to your clients. May I suggest a few ways to enhance your message and potentially attract even more clients? Highlight Your Unique Selling Points: It would be beneficial to emphasize what distinguishes your services from the competition. Perhaps you have specific success stories or innovative approaches that set you apart. Portfolio Showcase: Consider including a link to your portfolio or showcasing examples of your past work. This allows potential clients to better understand your design style and capabilities. Client Testimonials: If you have received positive feedback from previous clients, incorporating a few testimonials could help build trust and credibility with potential clients. Case Studies: Providing concrete examples of past projects and how your design solutions positively impacted your clients' businesses can be incredibly persuasive. Process Details: Expanding on your design process would be beneficial. Explain how you ensure a user-centric design and how you involve clients throughout the process. Technology and Tools: Mentioning the tools and technologies you employ in your design work can provide reassurance, especially for clients who are tech-savvy. Pricing: If you're comfortable, consider including some pricing information or a general price range to help potential clients gauge whether your services align with their budget. Contact Information: Ensure that it's easy for potential clients to reach out to you. Including an email address or a contact form can facilitate seamless communication. Remember that every client is unique, so tailoring your pitch to address their specific needs and demonstrating how your services can fulfill their individual goals is key. Best of luck with your UX/UI design business, and I hope these suggestions prove helpful!"

Within 1 month

2 concepts, 4 revisions

UI/UX Design (Web,App)
UI/UX Design (Web,App)
UI/UX Design (Web,App)

From US$645

Simplify Your Design Project: • UI/UX for websites and apps. • 3 unique design concepts. • Wireframes for easy navigation. • Visual direction for appeal. • Consistency with a design system. • Responsive across devices. • Intuitive interactions. • Mobile optimization. Share vision, get 3 concepts. Your satisfaction, My priority.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Mobile App UI Design
Mobile App UI Design
Mobile App UI Design

From US$695

I will design your app for you from scratch, taking into account your preferences and wishes.

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 1 revision