Christan Dees's profile

Freyja's Haven - Ecommerce Website

Freyja's Haven
Active Project - Ongoing work and maintenance.
Role: Personal Project for our Family Business - Design and Development
Duties: Project Requirements/Solution Research and planning, Website Design, Server Side Setup for Development Environment, Site Development and Mobilization, Pre and Post launch testing checklists, Site deployment.

Project Notes: 
Initially this site, and in the iteration displayed below, was designed and developed to be an Ecommerce store for the sale of handmade Indigenous beadwork designed and created by my partner and is one of my more recent design/development projects. The dot art art is of her design while the site was predominantly mine. It functioned well in it's desired capacity and included a customized store page and restyled Woocommerce default templates to provide brand cohesion throughout the purchase process.
As things progressed and stock sold out, the store was disabled and the business transitioned more towards fulfilling custom commissions for local foundations in the community, as well as cultural and historical education via the local education system and through sponsored workshops.

As local awareness has grown for the company we have discussed reactivating the store again for the purposes of support merchandise as well as adding a custom commissions and workshops area containing forms which would allow potential clients to submit requests and allow for them to be reviewed prior to acceptance. This will be worked on over the coming months when time permits me to and will follow the same development process described below.

This site was built using the default wordpress builder Gutenburg and a free default theme. In order to build a custom site with no paid tools required thorough knowledge of Wordpress as it tends to be far more difficult to reach a custom result than a purchasable theme builders. This was done to lean more on labour because the project was for our own business so labour was not a cost factor and it kept the initial software investment and yearly costs for theme updates $0. This is not a recommended course of action for a client by any means, but it was an exciting project for me to undertake as required me to utilize a lot of skills and knowledge and it kept our overhead very low.

Freyja's Haven - Ecommerce Website


Freyja's Haven - Ecommerce Website
