Aura Wine Seltzer
Packaging Design
Collaborators: Andy Sir (Art Direction), Ashley Stevens (Creative Direction), Frank Collective (Agency)

I teamed up with Frank Collective to design the external packaging (a series of can carriers) for Aura Wine Seltzers. Aura came to Frank Collective with the can designs for each of their 4 flavors already completed, so the ask was to create a complimentary design for the outer carrier (box) packaging for each set of cans. With some unique flavor pairings to work from, we developed a series of bright and fruity gradients to be used as the main design elements on the outer packaging. Paired with some product images of the cans, a white wrap-around label, and icons for each flavor, each carrier design developed its own personality in the process. A main goal of Aura was to capture their mantra, "Get Your Glow On," as well as stand out against a sea of popular seltzer competitors. Overall, the final packaging brought each flavor's taste and mood to life, and created a product that was hard to miss on the shelves.
Aura Wine Seltzer


Aura Wine Seltzer
