Roche Strong for Someone FB Page

Roche, one of the world's leading manufacturers of cancer medicines, wanted to create a page/community that would allow cancer patients and their loved ones to find the support they need.

So together, we came up with the "Strong for Someone" FB Page. 

Speaking to cancer patients and survivors, we realized that their decision to undergo treatment was often not for themselves, but for their loved ones' sake. At the same time, family and friends put on a brave face and stood as pillars of support for the sake of the patient.

It's these stories of strength we drew from that led to our launch video series.

Focusing on two patients who were dealing with late-stage cancer, we wanted to show that Stage 4 is just a number, not a death sentence. We kicked off our stories with an omnibus video, followed by a video dedicated to each patient.
"Strong for Someone" held monthly awareness campaigns for different types of cancer and educational posts for financial and medical support. Below are some samples.
Creating "Strong for Someone" is perhaps one of the most meaningful projects I've had. Cancer has affected many lives and we saw people instantly connecting with the stories our patients and survivors have poured out. To be able to help people in this way and tell their stories was an honor.

Client: Roche Philippines
Agency: Elixir by Ace Saatchi & Saatchi
Executive Creative Director: Greg Martin III
Creative Director: Patrick Balo
Associate Creative Director: Michelle Ortiz
Art Directors: Bea Gatchalian, Anthony Hembrador
Copywriter: Denise Ong

May to December 2019
Roche Strong for Someone FB Page